

診所介紹 (About us) 
                         【 歡迎大陸同胞 , 兩岸同心,共創未來】

Make your life to be full of love, health, beauty, confidence and competition. .






院長丁立文醫師, 設立加美診所,  秉持熱枕服務態度, 讓親愛的顧客『美還要更美』, 使你/妳擁有健康、美麗、自信和競爭力。我們的性福門診, 擁有安全、隱密的私人診療空間, 讓注重隱私的顧客們,免費諮詢。



減肥手術:內視鏡袖狀胃切除(胃縮小)、 胃繞道、抽脂、蝴蝶袖、瘦小腿

男性專區門診: 陰莖三合一手術 (陰莖增長、陰莖增大、龜頭增大)、割包皮、早洩、結紮手術、人工陰莖、胸肌、人魚線、六塊肌。

女性專區門診: 妊娠紋拉皮、隆乳(自體脂肪、果凍矽膠、水袋)、自體脂肪隆乳、自體脂肪豐胸、果凍矽膠隆乳、抽脂豐胸、乳房拉提(治乳房下垂)、縮乳、縮乳頭、縮乳暈、陰道三合一手術(陰道整形、陰道口縮小、性冷感G手術) 、漏尿、子宮下垂、微笑臀、馬甲線。

自體脂肪移植/填補凹陷(臉部 & 身體): 額頭、眉間紋、抬頭紋、法令紋、木偶紋、豐頰、蘋果肌、下巴、耳垂加大、隆鼻、豐臀、身體凹陷...等。

其它整形手術: 幹細胞抗老回春、、、微笑嘴、微笑臀、酒窩、去疤手術、4D埋線拉皮、羽毛線拉皮、全臉拉皮、內視鏡拉皮、、眼袋、雙眼皮、眼皮下垂、下眼瞼外翻、隆鼻、明星鼻、墊下巴、耳朵整形...等相關手術療程。

另外,針對不喜歡動手術的朋友, 診所附設微整形(童顏針、肉毒桿菌、玻尿酸、雅得媚、微晶瓷)。約診制: 歡迎購買美白針、埋線減肥療程,出發應診前請先電話預約。

院長丁院長 專長於埋線塑身外科減肥‚, 先進的外科設備及豐富的治療經驗,可針對不同的肥胖、外科整形、醫美、微整形等問題、提供免費諮詢並且給予適合的建議與治療。


A New Wave of Cosmetic Procedures


New technologies are giving rise to a new and affordable type of procedure known as non-surgical cosmetic treatment. These non-invasive procedures can be used to reduce fine lines, puffiness around the eyes and unwanted body hair. Treatments like Botox injections, TPL therapy and mini facelifts may not alter a person’s appearance drastically, but they require very little recovery time and are an affordable alternative for people who want to look good without breaking the bank.


Many doctors are predicting a dramatic increase in the diversity of patients receiving cosmetic treatment in the next few years. Furthermore, it is likely that as new cosmetic products and techniques become available non-surgical and minimally invasive procedure will continue rise in popularity,    


To look good these days, wearing fashionable clothes and haring great hair just isn’t enough. At one time, “Cosmetic” surgery was only available to the rich and famous. Thanks to recent advances in medical technology, however, cosmetic procedures have become safer and more affordable.


And with so many images of beautiful people in the media, people are under ever greater pressure to look their best. So it’s no surprise that cosmetic surgery is becoming an increasingly popular and acceptable option for those who want to enhance their looks. The most common cosmetic surgeries in the United States to date are liposuction, breast enlargement and cosmetic eye surgery.



新的技術造就了一種全新且索價不高的療程, 稱為非手術美容治療o 這些非侵入性的療程可用來減少皺紋眼袋和不想要的體毛o 肉毒稈菌注射、脈衝光療程(IPL為Intense Pulsed Light的簡稱)及微拉皮等療程,或許不會大幅改變一個人的容貌,但需要的復原時間極短對,於想變美又不想花大錢的人來說,也是另一種負擔得起的選擇。




















